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Local Craft Spirits Industry Steps Up for Inclusion - WJLA TV

| News 2023

Becky Harris stopped by WJLA-TV's Good Morning Washington show today to talk about a new program in the craft spirits industry:

The ACSA has launched its second class for its Spirits Training Entrepreneurship Program for Underrepresented Professionals (STEPUP Foundation) .

ACSA’s STEPUP Foundation is a diversity initiative that aims to help combat the lack of diversity in the industry by providing underserved and underrepresented individuals with the training, encouragement, and opportunities needed to enter the craft spirits community through a comprehensive year-long, immersive internship program.

As co-founder and chief distiller of Catoctin Creek, Becky understands the challenges craft distillers, especially women producers, face every day to make their presence known. To her and the ACSA Board of Directors, the more diverse the industry, the more diverse the flavor, the bigger the growth and opportunities.

You can watch the videos and read the full story, here Be sure to scroll down to the bottom to see both videos.