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The Roots of American Rye - Whisky Advocate

| News 2023
Catoctin Creek Roundstone Rye Cask Proof

Tony Sachs of the Whisky Advocate writes a really in-depth piece about the history of American rye whiskey and the state of production today.  At the end of the article, he ranks several great rye brands in order, and we're very pleased that Catoctin Creek Roundstone Rye Cask Proof came in as #2 on that list, with a score of 92 points.  From the introduction of the article:

Danko, Abruzzi, and Rosen may sound like a law firm, or a not-so-hip 70s rock band. But you’ll hear the names being bandied about at small distilleries around the U.S. They are heirloom varietals of rye—grains that had all but disappeared from American farming until about a decade ago, when craft distillers began seeking out local farmers to grow them. Their aim is to restore long-vanished rye whiskey styles, and these forgotten rye strains may be their key to success. It hasn’t been an easy endeavor, but distillers believe the resulting differences make it all worthwhile. 

You can read the full story, here.