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Rye Whiskey Distillers Take Their Own Approach to Grain-to-Glass - Imbibe

| News 2023
Rye Catoctin Bottles credit Kristen Dill

Another great article from the folks at Imbibe!  Paul Clarke does the comprehensive story on the history of rye whiskey in America and where it has brought us today.  He writes:

When Scott and Becky Harris were scoping out plans for their Virginia distillery, Catoctin Creek, prior to its 2009 debut, they turned to the history books to help determine what spirits they planned to make. “If you look at Colonial times, rye was the partner crop to tobacco, which was something that was very prevalent here. Rye was the cover crop that would replenish the soil,” says Becky Harris. “And [rye whiskey] was mostly made by women, because the men were in the fields tending tobacco. We liked the story, and we really just liked the flavor.” Scott Harris agrees. “We loved that history. Rye was Virginia’s native spirit since we started calling this place Virginia, and it all sort of fit together. We love the flavor, we love the history, and that’s why we developed our rye.”

You can read the full story, here.